The topics, to be rendered by homework titles, are distinguished
through bold type. The remaining items (preceded with dashes) 
can be used as titles of some sections.

Sources of European civilization

  -- Ancient (Greek, Roman, Hellenistic) heritage
  -- Jewish and Christian contributions 
  -- Arabic influences
  -- Renaissance ideas ("Republica Litterarum", "Republic of Letters")
  -- Enlightenment foundations of modernity

The Founding Fathers of the united Europe

  -- Their ethical motivations 
  -- Their political strategy

The role of Germany in the process of European integration

Eurosceptic forces in various European countries

  -- Their philosophical and political motivation 
  -- Federalist and anti-federalist attitudes regarding Europe's political structure

Enlargements of the European Union

  -- The beginnings of EU 
  -- Successive elargemments
  -- Enlargement perspectives
  -- Problems of Ukraine's and Turkey's accesion to the EU 

Human rights at the core of European identity

  -- Abolition of slavery as the milestone towards the progress of human rights
  -- Periods of progress and regress of human rights in the 19th century
  in Europe and other regions.
  -- Periods of progress and regress of human rights in the 20th century
  in Europe and other regions.
  -- Christian (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant) attitudes 
  towards the idea of human rights.
  -- Muslim attitudes towards the idea of human rights

 The economic rule of expected utility

  -- as a guide in calculating profits, lossses and risks
  -- its role in banking and insurances. 

Beginnings, development, and the present crisis of Eurozone

The role of European Central Bank for European Integration

The Global Financial Crisis: Lessons for European Integration
[This work may be done in the form of summary of Marek Dabrowski's study.]

Trends toward political integration from a South American perspective

Turkish modernisation
  -- its history
  -- its impact on the present Turkish attitudes towards EU