To Table of Contents No.1

The following text is a slightly abbreviated (by the MU Editors) version of the following document (by Gail W. Pieper, synthesizer). The file consists of the Introduction and the following sections (the numbering modified for MU).

The QED Workshop, May 18--20, 1994

  1. Objectives of QED
  2. QED Components
  3. Interfaces
  4. Meta-Theory
  5. Libraries and Tools
  6. Conclusions and Future Work
The text ends with References and the list of the Workshop participants.

On May 18-20, 1994, Argonne National Laboratory hosted the QED Workshop. The workshop was supported by special funding from the Office of Naval Research. The purpose of the workshop was to assemble a group of researchers to consider whether it is desirable and feasible to build a proof-checked encyclopedia of mathematics, with an associated facility for theorem proving and proof checking. Among the projects represented were the Argonne/OTTER group, Mizar, Nqthm, HOL, Eves, MathPert, the German "Schwerpunkt" on Deduction, NuPrl, Coq, Eves, and Imps.

Although the content of the QED project is highly technical -- rigorously proof-checked mathematics of all sorts -- the discussions at the workshop were rarely technical. No prepared talks or papers were given. Instead, the discussions focused primarily on such political, sociological, practical, and aesthetic questions, such as Why do it? Who are the customers? How can we get mathematicians interested? What sort of interfaces are desirable?

The workshop was organized by R. Boyer of the University of Texas at Austin and by E. Lusk of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne. The workshop gathered approximately thirty researchers, representing ongoing worldwide efforts in theorem proving and mathematics. Many of those attending had previously contributed to a document known as the "QED Manifesto" -- an anonymously authored document that discusses the desirability and feasibility of organizing a proof-checked encyclopedia of mathematics.

The focus of the workshop was on mathematics and automated deduction. The objective was to consider the desirability and feasibility of building a proof-checked encyclopedia of mathematics, with an associated facility for theorem proving and proof checking. Such a project could be used in university mathematics education and mathematics research. As one might expect, among groups who have worked independently (in most cases, for decades), the discussion was lively. The participants did agree that QED must necessarily differ from earlier projects in both scope and strategy. In contrast to the Automath project of the 1960s, for example, QED must be a large project, must be widely available (via Internet), and must have vast numbers of people working on it.

1. Objectives of QED

The topic of immediate concern was what QED should be. Several possibilities were raised and discussed briefly: -- An archive and reference source of mathematical results and their proofs, to be invoked by mathematicians and students.
-- A database of the world's best theorem-proving systems, accessible to both naive users and theorem-proving researchers.
-- A facility for checking, storing, and communicating new formal proofs of results.
-- An electronic journal of new formal proofs.
-- A facility for producing machine-checked mathematical textbooks.
-- A component library of machine-checked software and hardware
and a facility for composing them to form new verified systems.
-- A repository of courses on all areas of mathematics. (Although there are many introductions to mathematics based on mechanical proof-checking, these have typically not been shared.)

One point on which the participants readily agreed was that entries in the QED system should, at least ultimately, be checked with the highest standard of rigor possible. Most participants also agreed that the idea of merely archiving proofs would be boring to many mathematicians and that if this is the key objective of the QED project, mathematiciani probably will not contribute. Mathematicians will be interested only to the extent that we can help them do new mathematics.

Bourbaki was cited as the best example so far of mathematics organized into a coherent framework. According to Andr\'e Weil, "Perhaps the most important contribution of Bourbaki was to carry out a famous proposal made by the great German mathematician David Hilbert in 1900 that mathematics be placed on a more secure foundation." He noted: "Hilbert just said so, and Bourbaki did it". Yet several participants believe that Bourbaki is what QED should not be, in particular because Bourbaki is highly praised, but rarely used.

2. QED Components

Complementing the discussion about what QED should be was a discussion about how QED should be organized. A modular system seems most desirable, comprising the following levels:

-- Library of results. Couched in high-level language and standard mathematics notation, this libriry would be organized by field, with references to related results.
-- Library of proofs. One should be able to examine the proof of each theorem at different levels of complexity. The decision as to how much to display at each level should be largely under human control, but it might be somewhat subject to automation.
-- Interaction with theorem provers. A naive user should be able to encounter a prover superficially (talking in high-level language); he should be able to enter a tutorial which will teach him to be a sophisticated user.
-- Submission of results. It should be possible to submit results proven on the system to "editors" at various levels, from high-school and hobbyist projects through master's level development of existing theories not yet implemented through genuine new research results.

Mizar may be considered a trial run of part of QED. It has the high-level language and the proof checker in preliminary versions, and it operates on close to proof objects. Nevertheless, Mizar lacks powerful automated reasoning techniques and the sophisticated low-level language with reflection projected for QED. If Mizar were to be used as a model of a basis of QED, then, one would wish to add (at least) a database browser, more automatic proving facilities, and a facility for organizing lemmas more systematically. Of the greatest problems facing the Mizar user (and probably the user of any QED-like system of significant size) is how to find out whether and where routine facts have already been established.

3. Interfaces

Interface issues raised considerable discussion. The term itself is ambiguous. It can refer to something as apparently superficial as the choice of a window system, or it can include the definition of the proof language itself. Some participants view interface matters as unimportant so long as deep technical issues remain to be solved. Yet, interface issues determine 50 percent of the final code of most systems.

Three areas of interfacing were identified as significant:

-- Networking technologies. QED must be interfaced with emerging network systems such as Mosaic and the World Wide Web.
-- Advanced visualization. The interface should include facilities for graphing and the use of diagrams. We should also explore the possibility of virtual reality (for example, for improving one's understanding of non-Euclidean geometries).
-- Language. An effective user interface requires the development of a high-level language (something that looks rather like natural language, though perhaps more closely resembling a "pidgin English"). It would be desirable to have the interface structure designed so that it could be converted painlessly from stilted formal English to stilted formal French, German, Chinese, etc., without meddling with its fundamental structure). The objective here is to enable naive users (including computer-naive mathematicians and mathematmcally naive computer scientists) to talk to the system, read theorems, and enter proofs into the system without knowing very much about the underlying system.

Interfaces with symbolic and numerical systems would also be useful, particularly in moving the QED philosophy into other disciplines that heavily use mathematics. Admittedly, this task task would not be easy, however, since many disciplines do not think in terms of an axiomatic approach. Moreover, some symbolic manipulation systems are very unsound and hence might lead to corrupting the reliability of the QED structure.

4. Meta-Theory

A research issue that raised considerable controversy was that of relating various theorem-proving systems.

The group was split on the importance of having a common theory, say, T, and translations from the object theories of the individual systems into T that could provably transform proofs of the individual systems into proofs in T. At first T wa taken to be some variant of set theory (Mizar's brand). Subsequently, a different proposal emerged, in which the proof system of each system was formalized in primitive recursive arithmetic, or PRA (Boyer-Moore like). The meta-logic equivalent to PRA would be a predicative type theory, with a theory of syntactical objects at the base (theory of syntactical objects roughly equivalent to a theory of finite tree structures). It would, in effect, be a programming language (perhaps with polymorphism in the type system) as well as a logical theory; this strategy would facilitate the "bootstrapping" of results about proofs in PRA to procedures allowing one to skip many steps in later proofs in PRA (verification of derived inference rules by reflection). One could write a version of the proof checker in the algorithmic part of the theory.

The workshop participants also disagreed about the amount of "blow-up" that might occur in translating proofs between existing prover projects. Some parpicipants felt that while an approach working mechanically through the meta-logic (or root logic, as it is misleadingly called in the manifesto) might be bad, a heuristic approach using known common features of particular pairs of theories might make proof translations feasible. Further research in this area is clearly warranted, particularly to distinguish between the theoretical problems of exponential growth and the practical problems of translating huge quantities of proofs.

5. Libraries and Tools

The QED project can certainly extrapolate from the experiences of the software community in meeting the needs of scientists. Two needs stand out:
-- Libraries. The survival of Fortran is based on the existence of good, large libraries. The QED similarly must provide libraries that include standard proofs, theorems, and mathematical definitions ("the basic mathematical domain knowledge"). So too, must the QED project develop methods that will enable lesearchers to locate and reuse this information. Finally, the QED project should explore the feasibility of libraries of verified software.
-- Tools. It can be very expensive to understand how to use an automated reasoning tool. This cost is a major inhibitor to potential users. It often appears easier to start over from scratch on building an automated reasoning system than to learn how to use someone else's. The QED project must develop the tools that will eliminate the need for the user to make himself an expert in the system.


The QED Workshop drew the following conclusions:
-- A variety of systems should be admissible within QED. It should not be a monolithic, single-language system.
-- We should reduce isolation between groups.
-- We should base things on a common framework such as PRA, but should take care to make the details of the intercommunication between theories as isvisible as possible.
-- We should build bridges between the various provers and checkers, so that work done in one framework can be relied upon in another.
-- We should involve mathematicians as best we can, specifically supporting languages and interfaces that appeal to mathematicians (i.e., resemble ordinary mathematical discourse).
-- We should expand the QED project to be a standards body, providing, for example, a standard low-level language for theorems and proofs (PRA) for which a proof checker can easily be written. If the standards body does its job, and the existing automated reasoning projects "plug in", the growth of the database will take care of itself.

We also drew several conclusions about future research directions:
-- Some specific exercises are needed. One would be implementing inductive definitions (as in Coq) in the framework of set theory (as in Mizar). For example, the Church-Rosser theorem in (untyped) lambda calculus has been proved in NQTHM and in various systems for constructive type theory. NQTHM has inductive data types and recursive functions on them, and the latter systems usually use inductive definitions for representing various syntactic objects.
-- A standard "object language" is needed, reflecting current mathematical practice (although it should allow for the evolution of dialects of the standard object language and coexistence with alien object languages such as constructive systems). Two possible object languages are (1) constructive type theory, with a "filter" (the double negation interpretation) provided so that it would look like classical type theory, which is not far from standard mathematical practice; and (2) MacLane set theory (Z with delta-zero comprehension (all quantifiers bounded)---equivalent to ZFC with all quantifiers bounded in comprehension and replacement equivalent in strength to the theory of types and adequate for classical math short of higher se theory).
-- Bilateral projects should be considered for the startup phase. One idea is collaboration between HOL (probably closest to standard object language of the prover projects) and Mizar (closest to the QED core of any project). The Boyer-Moore theorem prover seems to be a prototype tool for working with the very low level of the core missing from Mizar; one might therefore consider a three-tier project. Another idea is to develop a translation from one prover project down through Mizar and up through Mizar to another prover project and vice versa; set up bilateral communication.


1. Horgan, John, interview with Andr\'e Weil, Scientific American, June 1994, p. 34.

2. Kolata, G. "Computers Still Can't Do Beautiful Mathematics", New York Times, Week in Review Section E, July 14, 1991.

3. The "QED Manifesto"

4. Rudnicki, Piotr. "An Overview of the MIZAR Project", preprint, 1994.

The QED Workshop participants

Michael Beeson, San Jose State University
Robert Boyer, University of Texas at Austin
Bernd Dahn, Humboldt-University at Berlin
Masami Hagiya, University of Tokyo
John Harrison, University of Cambridge
M. Randall Holmes, Boise State University
Paul Jackson, Cornell University
Thomas Jech, Pennsylvania State University
Deepak Kapur, State University of New York at Albany
Ewing Lusk, Argonne National Laboratory
William McCune, Argonne National Laboratory
Chet Murthy, INRIA-Rocquencourt
Ross Overbeek, Argonne National Laboratory
William Pase, Odyssey Research Associates, Inc.
Piotr Rudnicki, University of Alberta
John Staples, The University of Queensland
Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory
F. Javier Thayer, MITRE Corp.
Andrzej Trybulec, Warsaw University (Bia/lystok Branch)
Tomas Uribe, Stanford University
R. Wachter, ONR
Richard Waldinger, SRI International
Toby Walsh, IRST
Larry Wos, Argonne National Laboratory

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