Database of Existing Mechanized Reasoning Systems

This page represents the current state of an ongoing effort to collect information about existing automated reasoning systems. One objective is to provide concise useful information for people who have need for such a system and don't want to `roll their own'. Another objective is to provide a single place where information about existing systems can be accessed, thus providing an overview of the state of the art.

This page is split into two parts: available systems and others. Entries in the available systems part are restricted to reasoning systems and tools that are implemented and available to outside users. Systems falling outside that category are listed in the others part. Click here or here for a general mechanized reasoning page.

We attempt to provide for each entry: a one sentence description; a link to a brief overview; contact information; a link to a home page for the entry; and possibly other relevant information or links. In addition to individual there is a list of automated reasoning related mailing lists, and a list of related pages.

Please send email to Michael Kohlhase (clidk here) or Carolyn Talcott (click here) if you know of implementations missing from this database, would like modify the information about your system, or if you have suggestions for making the database more useful.

Available Systems and Tools

Other Existing Systems and Tools

This page comes to you courtesy of Michael Kohlhase and Carolyn Talcott.

Last updated 8 August 1996.