\documentstyle[12pt]{article} \oddsidemargin -2mm \evensidemargin 4mm \marginparwidth 0pt \marginparsep 0pt \topmargin 8mm \headheight 0pt \headsep 0pt \topskip 0pt \footheight 0pt %\footskip 0pt \textheight 225mm \textwidth 152mm \newcommand{\m}{mathematics} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.1} \title{E.L. Post and the development\\ of mathematical logic and recursion theory } \begin{document} \author{Roman Murawski \\ %\thanks{The author was supported by the Committee for %Scientific Research, grant no. 1 H01A 023 13.} \\ {\small Adam Mickiewicz University}\\ {\small Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science}\\ {\small ul. Matejki 48/49}\\ {\small 60--769 Pozna\'n, Poland}\\ {\small E-mail: {\tt rmur@math.amu.edu.pl}}} \date{} \maketitle \begin{abstract} In the paper the contribution of Emil L. Post (1897--1954) to mathematical logic and recursion theory will be considered. In particular we shall study: (1) the meaning of results of his doctoral dissertation to the development of the metamathematical studies of propositional calculus, (2) the significance of his studies on canonical systems for the theory of formal languages as well as for the foundations of computation theory, (3) his anticipation of G\"odel's and Church's results on incompleteness and undecidability, (4) his results on the undecidabiity of various algebraic formal systems and finally (5) his contribution to establishing and to the development of recursion theory as an independent domain of the foundations of mathematics. At the end some remarks on the philosophical and methodological background of his results will be made. \end{abstract} \section{Post's doctoral dissertation} Most of scientific papers by Emil Leon Post were devoted to mathematical logic and to the foundations of \m.\footnote{Post published 14 papers and 19 abstracts (one of the papers was published after his death): 4 papers and 8 abstracts were devoted to algebra and analysis and 10 papers and 11 abstracts to mathematical logic and foundations of \m.} His first paper in logic was the doctoral dissertation from 1920 published in 1921 in {\it American Journal of Mathematics} under the title ,,Introduction to a general theory of elementary propositions'' (cf. \cite{post21}). It was written under the influence of A.N.~Whitehead's and B.~Russell's {\it Principia Mathematica} (cf. \cite{white}) on the one hand (Post participated in a seminar led by Keyser at Columbia University devoted to {\it Principia\/}) and {\it A Survey of Symboic Logic} by C.I.~Lewis (cf. \cite{lewis}). Post's doctoral dissertation contained the first metamathematical results concerning a system of logic. In particular Post isolated the part of {\it Principia} called today the propositional calculus, introduced the truth table method and showed that the system of axioms for the propositional calculus given by Whitehead and Russell is complete, consistent and decidable (in fact Post spoke about the finiteness problem instead of decidability). He also proved that this system is complete in the sense called today after him, i.e., that if one adds to this system an unprovable formula as a new axiom then the extended system will be inconsistent. It is worth mentioning here that the completeness, the consistency and the independence of the axioms of the propositional calculus of {\it Prinicipia} was proved by Paul Bernays in his {\it Habilitationsschrift} in 1918 but this result has not been published untill 1926 (cf. \cite{bern26}) and Post did not know it. In Post's dissertation one finds also an idea of many-valued logics obtained by generalizing the 2-valued truth table to $m$-valued truth tables ($m \geq 2)$. Post proposed also a general method of studying systems of logic (treated as systems for inferences) by finitary symbol manipulations (later he called such systems canonical systems of the type $A$) --- hence he considered formal logical systems as combinatorial systems. In doctoral dissertation Post mentioned also his studies of systems of 2-valued truth functions closed under superposition. In particular he showed that every truth function is definable in terms of negation and disjunction. Those latter considerations were developed in the monograph {\it The Two-Valued Iterative Systems of Mathematical Logic} from 1941 (cf. \cite{post41}). One finds there among others the result called today Post's Functional Completeness Theorem. It gives a sufficient and necessary condition for a set of 2-valued truth functions to be complete, i.e., to have he property that any 2-valued truth function is definable in terms of it. Post distinguished five properties of truth functions. His theorem says that a given set $X$ of truth functions is complete if and only if for every of those five properties there exists in $X$ a truth function which does not have it. Did Post prove this theorem? In \cite{post41} one finds no proof satisfying the standards accepted today. The reason for that was Post's baroque notation (it was in fact an unprecise adaptation of the imprecise notation of Jevons from his {\it Pure Logic}, cf. \cite{jev64}), other reason was the fact that Post seemed to be simultaneously pursuing several different topics. The proof of Post's theorem satisfying today's standards can be found in the paper by Pelletier and Martin \cite{pel90}. \section{Canonical systems} During a year stay at Princeton University 1920--21 (he was awarded the post-doctoral Procter Fellowship) Post studied mainly canonical systems. Those systems founded the theory of formal languages. Post's results in this field were the anticipation of famous results by G\"odel and Church on the incompleteness and undecidability of first order logic. The investigations mentioned above were connected with the following ideas: the whole {\it Principia Mathematica} can be considered as a canonical system of type $A$, i.e., as a system of signs in an alphabet which can be manipulated according to a given set of rules. Post wanted to solve the decision problem (in his terminology: the finiteness problem) for canonical systems of type $A$. In his way he wanted to find a method which would decide for any given formula of the system of {\it Principia} whether it is formally provable in it or not. Since {\it Principia} are a formalization of the whole of \m, this method would give a decision procedure for the whole of \m. Besides canonical systems of type $A$ Post introduced systems of type $B$ and $C$. Just the latter are known today as Post's production systems. Let us define them using the contemporary terminology and notation. Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet. Its elements are called terminals. One uses also non-terminal symbols $P_{.}$. A canonical production has the form: $$ \begin{array}{cccccccc} g_{11} & P_{i_{1}^{'}} & g_{12} & P_{i_{2}^{'}} & \ldots & g_{1m_{1}} & P_{i_{m_{1}}^{'}} & g_{1(m_{1} + 1)} \\ g_{21} & P_{i_{1}^{''}} & g_{22} & P_{i_{2}^{''}} & & \ldots g_{2m_{2}} & P_{i_{m_{2}}^{''}} & g_{2(m_{2} + 1)} \\ \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots \\ g_{k1} & P_{i_{1}^{(k)}} & g_{k2} & P_{i_{2}^{(k)}} & \ldots & g_{km_{k}} & P_{i_{m_{k}}^{(k)}} & g_{k(m_{k} + 1)} \\ & & & & \Downarrow & & & \\ g_{1} & P_{i_{1}} & g_{2} & P_{i_{2}} & \ldots & g_{m} & P_{i_{m}} & g_{m + 1} \end{array} $$ where $g_{k}$ are strings on the alphabet $\Sigma$, $P_{k}$ are variable strings (non-terminals) and each of the $P$'s in the line following the $\Downarrow$ also occurs as one of the $P$'s above $\Downarrow$. A system in canonical form of type $C$ consists of a finite set of strings (Post called them initial assertions) together with a finite set of canonical productions. It generates of course a subset of $\Sigma^{\ast}$ (= the set of all finite strings over $\Sigma$) which can be obtained from the initial assertions by the iterations of canonical productions. Today it is known that such sets are exactly recursively enumerable languages. Post proved the equivalence of canonical systems of type $A$, $B$ and $C$. He also showed that this part of {\it Principia} which corresponds to the first-order predicate calculus can be formalized as a canonical system of type $B$ and consequently also of type $C$. Moreover the set of all provable formulas of the system of {\it Principia} can be regarded as a set of strings of symbols which can be generated by certain canonical system of type $C$. Post proved also the important Normal Form Theorem for canonical systems of type $C$. Let us say that a canonical system of type $C$ is normal if and only if it has exactly one initial assertion and each of its productions has the form $$ gP \Longrightarrow P \overline{g}. $$ A set of strings $U \subseteq \Sigma^{\ast}$ is said to be normal if and only if there exists a normal system on an alphabet $\Delta$ containing $\Sigma$ and generating a set ${\cal N}$ such that $U = {\cal N} \cap \Sigma^{\ast}$. Post's Normal Form Theorem says now that if $U \subseteq \Sigma^{\ast}$ is a set of strings generated by some canonical system of type $C$ then $U$ is normal (a proof can be found in \cite{post43} and \cite{post65}). One of the consequences of Normal Form Theorem is that a decision procedure for canonical systems of type $C$ would induce a decision procedure for the whole system of {\it Principia}. Post started his reasearches in this direction by considering normal systems of a special form, so-called tag systems. Tag systems are normal systems in which all $g$'s in production rules are of the same length (but not necessarily the $\overline{g}$'s) and $\overline{g}$'s depend only on the first symbol of the appropriate string $g$. In particular Post started by studying the following simple system: $$ agP \Longrightarrow Paa, $$ $$ bgP \Longrightarrow Pbbab, $$ where $g \in \{a,b\}^{\ast}$ and $|g| = 2$. This case turned out to be difficult (the question whether such systems are decidable is open till today). Post supposed that tag systems are recursively undecidabe. This was proved by M.~Minsky in 1961 (cf. \cite{min}). Note that the procedure of generating expressions by a canonical system of type $C$ is similar to the process of generating computable functions from certain given initial functions by iterations of certain given operations on functions.\footnote{It was shown later that the definition of effective computability by Post's canonical systems is equivalent to the definitions in the language of $\lambda$-definability, of recursive functions or by Turing machines.} Hence those systems can be regarded as a formalism making precise the intuitive notion of effective computability. Consequently one can formulate a thesis analogous to Church's thesis and called Post's thesis which says that any finitely given language is generated by rules of some canonical normal system. An application of Cantor's diagonal method led Post to the conclusion that the decision problem for normal systems has a negative solution. In 1921 Post sketched a formal proof of this. He wrote in \cite{post65} (pp. 421--422): \begin{quote} We (\ldots) conclude that the finiteness problem for the class of all normal systems is unsolvable, that is, there is no finite method which would uniformly enable us to tell of an arbitrary normal system and arbitrary sequence on the letters thereof whether that sequence is or is not generated by the operations of the system from the primitive sequence of the system. \end{quote} Those considerations led him also to the conclusion about the incompleteness, i.e., to the conclusion that: \begin{quote} {\it not only was every (finitary) symbolic logic incomplete relative to a certain fixed class of propositions (\ldots) but that every such logic was extendable relative to that class of propositions} \end{quote} (cf. \cite{post43}). In \cite{post43} he also wrote: \begin{quote} {\it No normal-deductive-system is equivalent to the complete logical system (if such there be); better, given any normal-deductive-system there exists another which second proves more theorems (to put it roughly) than the first} \end{quote} and he added \begin{quote} {\it A complete symbolic logic is impossible}. \end{quote} Those results anticipated results by G\"odel and Church on the incompleteness and undecidability of systems of first-order logic (cf. \cite{god31}, \cite{church1} and \cite{church2}). Post knew of course that his results are, as he wrote, ``fragmentary''. He never published them (though in 1941, hence already after the publication of G\"odel's and Church's results) he tried to publish results of his investigations from 1920--1921). What was his reaction to the appearance of the G\"odel's paper \cite{god31}? On the one hand he was disappointed that not his name will be connected with results he anticipated and on the other he admired the genius and contribution of G\"odel. In a postcard to G\"odel sent on 19th October 1938 Post wrote: \begin{quote} I am afraid that I took advantage of you on this, I hope but our first meeting. But for fifteen years I had carried around the thought of astounding the mathematical world with my unorthodox ideas, and meeting the man chiefly responsible for the vanishing of that dream rather carried me away. \vspace{0.5em} Since you seemed interested in my way of arriving at these new developments perhaps Church can show you a long letter I wrote to him about them. As for any claims I might make perhaps the best I can say is that I would have {\it proved} G\"odel's Theorem in 1921 --- had I been G\"odel. \end{quote} And in the letter to G\"odel from 30th October 1938 he wrote: \begin{quote} \ldots after all it is not ideas but the execution of ideas that constitute a mark of greatness. \end{quote} Considering decidability problem one should mention Post's contribution to making precise the notion of effective computability. Post was of the opinion that Herbrand-G\"odel's and Church-Kleene's definitions were both lacking in that neither constituted a ``fundamental'' analysis of the notion of algorithmic process. In 1936 (cf. \cite{post36}) he proposed a definition based on the operations of marking an empty box and erasing the mark in a marked box. Note the similarity with the definition given at the same time by A.~Turing (cf. \cite{tur36}). The difference between both approaches consists is that Turing formulated his definition in terms of an idealized computer while Post in terms of a program (a list of instructions written in a given language). At the beginning of the 40's Post wrote a paper in which he tried to describe his studies on the incompleteness and undecidability from 1920--1921 anticipating G\"odel's and Church's results. It is the paper ``Absolutely unsolvable problems and relatively undecidable propositons --- account of an anticipation''. It was submitted in 1941 to {\it American Journal of Mathematics}. In a letter to H.~Weyl accompanying the manuscript Post explained why he did not publish his results twenty years earlier and wants to do it now, i.e., after the publications by G\"odel and Church. Among reasons he mentions problems he had with publishing his earlier papers (in particular of \cite{post21} and \cite{post41}) which did not find a recognition and appreciation by mathematicians as well as the problems with the health which delayed the preparation of full detailed proofs. Though the editors appreciated the significance of Post's investigations and results, the paper has been rejected. Communicating this decision H.~Weyl wrote in a letter to Post from 2nd March 1942: \begin{quote} \ldots I have little doubt that twenty years ago your work, partly because of its then revolutionary character, did not find its due recognition. However, we cannot turn the clock back; in the meantime G\"odel, Church and others have done what they have done, and the American Journal is no place for historical accounts; \ldots (Personally, you may be comforted by the certainty that most of the leading logicians, at least in this country, know in a general way of your anticipation.) \end{quote} Only a small part of Post's paper has been published, i.e., the part containg his Normal Form Theorem (cf. \cite{post43}). The full version of the paper ``Absolutely unsolvable problems and relatively undecidable propositions --- account of an anticipation'' was published posthumously in 1965 in Davis' book {\it The Undecidable}. \section{Recursion theory} Main Post's results which found the recognition and appreciation belong to the recursion theory. They were of course connected with his investigations described above. Considering Post's results in the recursion theory one must tell first of all about his paper ``Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision problems'' (cf. \cite{post44}). It turned out to be the most influential of his publications and foundamental for the whole recursion theory. Recursion theory was for the first time presented in it as an autonomous branch of mathematics. One finds there: \begin{itemize} \item a theorem called today Post's Theorem and stating that a set $X$ is recursive if and only if the set $X$ and its complement $\neg X$ are recursively enumerable,\footnote{Recall that a set $X$ is recursively enumerable if and only if there exists a recursive function $f$ such that $X$ is the image of $f$ if and only if there exists a recursive relation $R$ such that $ x \in X \equiv \exists y R(x,y). $} \item a theorem stating that (a) any infinite recursively enumerable set has an infinite recursive subset and (b) there exists a recursively enumerable set which is not recursive. \end{itemize} Main subject of the considered paper is the mutual reducibility of recursively enumerable sets. Recall that a set $X$ is said to be many-one reducible to a set $Y$ if and only if there exists a recursive function $f$ such that $$ x \in X \equiv f(x) \in Y. $$ If the function $f$ is one-one then we say about one-one reducibility. Post proved the existence of a recursively enumerable set $K$ which is complete with respect to many-one (one-one) reducibility, i.e., such that any recursively enumerable set $X$ is many-one (one-one) reducible to $K$. Hence $K$ has a maximal degree of unsolvability with respect to many-one (one-one) reducibility. Post constructed also a recursively enumerable set which is simple, i.e., has the property that there exists no infinite recursively enumerable subset of its complement. Such a set cannot be of a maximal degree with respect to one-one reducibility. This led Post to the formulation of the following problem called today Post's problem: does there exist a recursively enumerable but not recursive set of a degree lower than the degree of the complete set $K$ with respect to a given type of reducibility? Post did not succeed in solving this problem. Though he proved in 1948 (cf. \cite{post48}) the existence of sets of a degree lower than the degree of the set $K$ but those sets were not recursively enumerable. Post's problem was solved independently by A.A.~Muchnik (cf. \cite{much}) and R.~Friedberg (cf. \cite{frie}) by a new method introduced by them --- and called the priority method. This method proved later to be really fruitful --- many results in the recursion theory, in particular in the theory of degrees, have been obtained by it. They showed that there exist two recursively enumerable sets $A$ and $B$ such that $A$ is not recursive in $B$ and $B$ is not recursive in $A$. As a consequence one obtains that degrees of unsolvability (even the degrees of recursively enumerable sets) are not lineary ordered and that there are recursively enumerable degrees other than the degree of recursive sets and the degree of the complete set (sets $A$ and $B$ constructed by Friednerg and Muchnik are examples of such sets). Discussing here Post's paper ``Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision problems'' one should mention the way in which Post presented his results in it. This way became a norm and a standard in the recursion theory. It consisted in giving rather informal proofs with a description of intuitions. Post saw the need of providing formal proofs but on the other hand he wrote: \begin{quote} \ldots the real mathematics involved must lie in the informal development. For in every instance the informal ``proof'' was first obtained; and once gotten, tranforming it into the formal proof turned out to be a routine chore. \end{quote} The considered paper had important long term effects. It was the beginning of extensive studies of recursively enumerable sets, in particular of various types of reducibility. Here one can also see the source of such important notion as polynomial time reducibility or of studies connected with NP--completeness. Post continued his studies of degrees of unsolvability in the paper ``Degrees of recursive unsolvability (preliminary report)'' (cf. \cite{post48}) where he generalized the notion of a degree to the case of any sets (not necessarily recursively enumerable) and proved the existence of a pair of incomparable degrees (both were lower than the degree of the complete recursively enumerable set $K$). He announced also a theorem (called today Post's theorem) stating that a set $X$ is recursive in a set $A \in \Sigma^{0}_{n} (\Pi^{0}_{n})$ if and only if $X$ is a $\Delta^{0}_{n+1}$ set. One should also mention here the joint paper by Post with S.C.~Kleene ``The upper semi-lattice of degrees of recursive unsolvability'' (cf. \cite{post54}). One finds there among others a theorem stating that the ordered set of degrees of unsolvability contains a densely ordered subset. \section{Undecidability of algebraic combinatorial systems} Discussing Post's contribution to the recursion theory one should say about his results on undecidability of algebraic combinatorial systems. They provided ``mathematical'' examples of undecidable problems. Let us start with the correspondence problem. It can be formulated as follows. A correspondence system is a finite set of ordered pairs $(g_{1},h_{1})$, $(g_{2},h_{2})$, \ldots, $(g_{n},h_{n})$ such that $g_{i}, h_{i} \in \Sigma^{\ast}$, $\Sigma$ a given finite alphabet. Such a system is said to be solvable if there exists a sequence $i_{1}, i_{2}, \ldots, i_{k}$ such that $1 \leq i_{1}, i_{2}, \ldots, i_{k} \leq n$ and $$ g_{i_{1}}g_{i_{2}} \ldots g_{i_{k}} = h_{i_{1}}h_{i_{2}} \ldots h_{i_{k}}. $$ The corrspondence problem is to provide an algorithm for determining of a given correspondence system whether it is solvable or not. Post proved in the paper ``A variant of a recursively unsolvable problem'' (cf. \cite{post46}) that such an algorithm does not exist, hence the correspondence problem is not recursively solvable. This result plays an important role in the theory of formal languages. Church suggested to Post to study also the decidability problem for Thue's systems known also as the word problem for monoids or semi-groups. It was formulated by the Norwegian mathematician Axel Thue in 1914 and can be formulated as follows: Let $\Sigma$ be a finite alphabet. Define an equivalence relation $\approx$ in $\Sigma^{\ast}$ by giving a finite set of pairs of words for which this equivalence holds, i.e., by putting $$ u_{1} \approx v_{1}, u_{2} \approx v_{2}, \ldots, u_{n} \approx v_{n}, $$ and closing this under the substitution of $v_{i}$ for $u_{i}$ ($i = 1, \ldots, n)$. The problem consists now in providing an algorithm for determining of an arbitrary pair $(u,v) \in \Sigma^{\ast} \times \Sigma^{\ast}$ of strings whether or not $u \approx v$. In the paper ``Recursive unsolvability of a problem of Thue'' (cf. \cite{post47}) Post gave an example of a set of initial pairs defining an equivalence relation $\approx$ for which the word problem is unsolvable. In the proof Post used Turing machines (in fact he showed that the theory of Turing machines can be interpreted in terms of the word problem in such a way that an algorithm for the latter could be tranformed into an algorithm for a problem concerning Turing machines known to be unsolvable). Post also gave a very careful technical critique of Turing's paper \cite{tur36}. It is worth adding that the recursive unsolvability of the word problem was established independently by A.A.~Markov in 1947 (cf. \cite{mark}) who based his proof on Post's normal systems. \section{Post's philosophical and methodological ideas} Discussing the works and results of Post in the field of mathemtaical logic and recursion theory one should consider their philosophical and methodological background. Post --- similarly as G\"odel --- emphasized the significance of the absolutness and the fundamental character of the notion of recursive solvability. He attempted also to explain the notion of provability --- more exactly, he wanted to find a precise notion which would explain the intuitive notion of provability in arithmetic in such a way as the notion of recursiveness explains the notion of effective computability and solvability. He hoped that this will enable us to find absolutely undecidable arithmetical propositions. Later (before the death) he added to this also the problem of providing an absolute explication and explanation of the general mathematical notion of definability (he was convinced that this should be done even before giving the absolute explication of the notion of provability). Post emphasized (cf. \cite{post65}, p. 64): \begin{quote} I study Mathematics as a product of the human mind and not as absolute. \end{quote} He was convinced that mathematical thinking is in fact creative. He wrote in \cite{post65}, p.~4: \begin{quote} \ldots mathematical thinking is, and must be, essentially creative. \end{quote} He thought also that the human capacity to know cannot be closed and reduced to a formal system. And added (cf. \cite{post65}, p. 4): \begin{quote} \ldots creativeness of human mathematics has a counterpart inescapable limitations thereof --- witness the absolutely unsolvable (combinatory) problems. \end{quote} On the other hand he was convinced that the results on the undecidability and incompleteness indicate that human capacity to know with respect to mathematics are in fact bounded in spite of the creativeness of the mathematical thinking. He wrote in \cite{post65}, p. 56: \begin{quote} The unsolvability of the finiteness problem for all normal systems, and the essential incompleteness of all symbolic logics, are evidences of limitations in man's mathematical powers, creative though these be. \end{quote} Post claimed that there exist absolutely undecidable (i.e., unsolvable by no methods and means) propositions and that there is no complete system of logic.\footnote{In \cite{post65}, p. 54, he wrote: ``{\it A complete symbolic logic is impossible}''.} A consequence of this was in his opinion the fact that (cf. \cite{post65}, p. 55): \begin{quote} logic must not only in some parts of its description (as in the operations), but in its very operation be informal. Better still, we may write \begin{center} {\it The Logical Process is Essentially Creative.} \end{center} \end{quote} Consequently the human mind can never be replaced by a machine. He wrote in \cite{post65}, p. 55: \begin{quote} We see that a {\it machine} would never give a complete logic; for once the machine is made {\it we} could prove a theorem it does not prove. \end{quote} \section{The significance of Post's results for the development of the mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics} The above considerations lead us to the conclusion that Post's works and results contributed very much to the development of mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics. His works (together with works of J.~\L ukasiewicz) initiated the investigations on many-valued logics and on the Post algebras connected with them. His studies of the propositional calculus (the results of which were included in his doctoral dissertation) were the first metamathematical studies of a system of logic. Most significant were probably his works and results in the recursion theory. They contributed very much to establishing this field as an autonomous branch of the foundations of mathematics. They began intensive studies on degrees of unsolvability, in particular of recursively enumerable degrees, investigations on the (un)decidability of various systems, in particular combinatorial systems in algebra and on the various types of recursive reducibility. They influenced also the researches in the computer science (though Post showed no interest in computers). They were also very important for the theory of formal languages. Post's investigations and results were in a sense ahead of his time, were precursory (compare his anticipation of G\"odel's and Church's results described above). This had of course negative consequences as the fear of being not understood properly and the delay of publication of the results. Problems with health, in particular the illness under which he suffered almost the whole life, also hindered him from publishing the results at proper time. Many of Post's results were left in an incomplete form. He tried the whole time to improve his results and to find the most general form which also caused some delay. Nevertheless his contributio to the mathemtaical logic and to the foundations of mathematics was really significant. \thebibliography{99} \bibitem{bern26} Bernays P., Axiomatische Untersuchungen des Aussagenkalk\"uls der {\it Principia Mathematica}, {\it Mathematische Zeitschrift} 25 (1926), 305--320. \bibitem{church1} Church A., An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory, {\it American Journal of Mathematics} 58 (1936), 345--363. \bibitem{church2} Church A., A note on the Entscheidungsproblem, {\it Journal of Symbolic Logic} 1 (1936), 40--41. Correction, {\it ibid,}, 101--102. \bibitem{zebr} Davis M. (Ed.), {\it Solvability, Provability, Definability: The Collected Works of Emil L.~Post}, Birkh\"auser, Boston-Basel-Berlin 1994. \bibitem{frie} Friedberg R., Two recursively enumerable sets of incomparable degress of unsolvability (solution of Post's problem), {\it Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)} 43 (1957), 236--238. \bibitem{god31} G\"odel K., \"Uber formal unentscheidbare S\"atze der {\it Principia Mathematica} und verwandter Systeme. I, {\it Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik } 38 (1931), 173--198. \bibitem{jev64} Jevons W.S., {\it Pure Logic, or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity with remarks on Boole's System and the Relation of Logic and Mathematics}, E.~Stanford, London-New York 1864. \bibitem{post54} Kleene S.C. and Post E.L., The upper semi-lattice of degrees of recursive unsolvability, {\it Annals of Mathematics} 59 (1954), 379--407; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 514--542. \bibitem{lewis} Lewis C.I., {\it A Survey of Symbolic Logic}, University of California Press, Berkeley 1918. \bibitem{mark} Markov A.A., Nievazmoznost' niekatorych algoritmov v teorii asotiativnych sistem (On the impossibility of certain algorithms in the theory of associative systems), {\it Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR} 55 (1947), 587--590; English translation in: {\it Comptes rendus de l'academie des Sciences de l'URSS} 55 (1947), 583--586. \bibitem{min} Minsky M., Recursive unsolvability of Post's problem of tag and other topics in the theory of Turing machines, {\it Annals of Mathematics} 74 (1961), 437--455. \bibitem{much} Muchnik A..A., Nerazreshimost' problemy svodimosti algoritmov (Negative answer to the problem of reducibility of the theory of algorithms), {\it Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR} 108 (1956), 194--197. \bibitem{pel90} Pelletier F.J., Martin N.M, Post's functional completeness theorem, {\it Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic} 31 (1990), 462--475. \bibitem{post21} Post E.L., Introduction to a general theory of elementary propositions, {\it American Mathematical Journal} 43 (1921), 163--185; reprinted in J.~van Heijenoort, {\it From Frege to G\"odel. A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879--1931}, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1967, pp. 264--283, ; also in \cite{zebr}, pp. 21--43. \bibitem{post36} Post E.L., Finite combinatory processes --- Formulation I, {\it Journal of Symbolic Logic} 1 (1936), 103--105; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 103--105. \bibitem{post41} Post E.L., {\it The Two-Valued Iterative Systems of Mathematical Logic}, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1941; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 249--374. \bibitem{post43} Post E.L., Formal reductions of the general combinatorial decision problem, {\it American Journal of Mathematics} 65 (1943), 197--215; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 442--460. \bibitem{post44} Post E.L., Recursively enumerable sets of positive integers and their decision problems, {\it Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society} 50 (1944), 284--316; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 461--494. \bibitem{post46} Post E.L., A variant of a recursively unsolvable problem, {\it Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society} 52 (1946), 264--268; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 495--500. \bibitem{post47} Post E.L., Recursive unsolvability of a problem of Thue, {\it Journal of Symbolic Logic} 12 (1947), 1--11; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 503--513. \bibitem{post48} Post E.L., Degrees of recursive unsolvability (preliminary report), {\it Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society} 54 (1948), 641--642; reprinted in \cite{zebr}, pp. 549--550. \bibitem{post65} Post E.L., Absolutely unsolvable problems and relatively undecidable propositions --- account of an anticipation, first published in Davis M. 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